Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mac Book Air

I've always been a PC fan (my work always provided me with one for home, and I was always too poor to buy an Apple), but I have been getting more and more bothered by Spyware, Viruses, etc. So when my friends told me they never had these problems on their Apple computers, I was pretty interested in getting one.

It seems that Apple is on the cutting edge on product design- Ipods, Iphone, Mac's, etc...and with the Mac Book Air, they seem to have created another beautiful product. The laptop is less than 1" thick, and only weighs 3 lbs! Unfortunately, I read that it is pretty fragile, and I have three wild toddlers at home. Alas, I guess I will have to wait a few more years until they grow older and stop breaking my things.

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